Personal Injury Law

What Accident Benefits in Ontario are available to me?

July, 26th 2022
Paras Patel
B.A. Hons., L.L.B., L.L.M.

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, your standard auto insurance policy will provide for several financial and medical benefits. These benefits are available even if you were at fault for the accident and will help cover the immediate medical expenses following an accident.

While the specifics of your auto insurance policy may be different, standard policies provide for at least the following, for non-catastrophic injuries:

Receiving these benefits could make the world of a difference if you’re still in the process of recovering and need support. We are the law firm you can trust to assist you in navigating the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule and ultimately get you the compensation you deserve.

Please reach out to us at (905) 595-2225 or for a free consultation.

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