When you retain us to represent you and your child in their injury claim and any resulting lawsuit, we commit to ensuring that their recovery and rehabilitation is fully covered as well as making sure that their future is protected. For instance, if a school was involved, we know the strategy needed to sue a school board for negligence. A major injury to a six-year-old, can have repercussions for the life of that child.
At Gosai Law, we want to be sure that when your child returns to school, or work if they are older, that they will be able to achieve their full potential. Here’s what we do:
- We work directly with their pediatrician, any medical specialists, and other healthcare professionals such as speech pathologists and caregivers to conduct a thorough assessment of the situation and determine their long-term prognosis.
- We consult with their case managers, teachers, and education specialists to understand whether they may have intellectual, emotional, or physical limitations in the future.
- We make sure that everyone involved in your child’s care and recovery is working together as a team.
- We work to make certain that you as a parent, acting as a caregiver, are fairly compensated for your time and effort, especially if you must leave a job to tend to the needs of your child.
Our goal is to provide your child with the help they need now, that they have the money needed to speed them to as full a recovery as possible, and that they have the funds they will need in the future to compensate for what they lost today.
Because they’re children, there are many causes, ways, and places they can be hurt:
- While riding in a car
- On a school bus
- While at a school outing
- In the school
- At daycare or a preschool facility
- On playground equipment that hasn’t been properly maintained
- In or around swimming pools
- Using sports equipment that is deficient
- Inadequate or insufficient adult supervision
- Children’s toys and furniture that cause accidents like bunk beds and trampolines
- Accidents involving home appliances such as stoves, irons, and hot water heaters
There are a number of complicated restrictions that come into play when a child is injured. At Gosai Law, we are familiar with the rules for lawsuits involving injuries to children and will help you understand and navigate the process.
Ontario law and judges are very protective of children who are under the age of 18 when they have been hurt and seek compensation or file a lawsuit.
The facts in the case are looked at differently and the case is handled differently than if an adult has been hurt or made ill.
So, for example, even though you as the parent may retain us, the court might appoint what is called a “guardian ad litem” as the child’s legal representative. Their job isn’t to interfere in the case but simply to assure the court that your child’s rights are protected and adequately represented.