In Ontario, one might find themselves unable to work due to illness or injury and disability insurance exists to provide financial protection for these unfortunate circumstances.
When considering eligibility for disability coverage, physical injury and impairment often comes to mind first. However, individuals who suffer from mental health issues, psychological impairment, or chronic pain can also qualify.
Ultimately, short-term disability and long-term benefits are available to be claimed by anyone who finds themselves unable to work due to illness or injury, as long as they have access to insurance coverage for disability.
CPPD (Canada Pension Plan Disability) benefits on the other hand, does not require insurance coverage, but are available to individuals who meet the CPP contributions requirements.
At the end of the day, STD, LTD, and CPPD benefits all exist to provide financial protection. However, when filing a claim for these benefits, it is imperative to know the distinctions and mechanism behind each in order to ensure eligibility and optimal coverage.
Although figures will vary depending on the insurance provider and the policy, generally, STD claims will cover 100% of an individual’s salary and will continue for around 25 weeks. STD insurance can be claimed by anybody who finds themselves unable to work due to illness or injury as long as they have access to insurance coverage for disability.
LTD claims generally kick in when STD claims end and will typically cover 55%-70% of an individual’s salary. Again, the waiting periods and figures will vary depending on the insurance provider and policy. Similar to STD claims, LTD insurance can be claimed by anybody who finds themselves unable to work due to illness or injury, and the duration of their STD claim proves to be insufficient.
Although the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) is offered to those who are above 65 years of age, CPPD is available to individuals of any age. CPPD benefits do not require insurance coverage, but are available to individuals who meet the CPP contributions requirements and can substantiate that they are unable to work at any job that they are feasibly trained for.
There are scenarios that possess the possibility of a tort claim. A situation can arise where an insurer may have mishandled a claim, or have breached the particulars of the disability contract. As well, there can also be a situation where one discovers that their original injuries were due to a party’s negligence. In any case, you’ll want a team of lawyers that understand all avenues of compensation from disability benefits to tort to analyze and consult the pros and cons of each path.
Simply put. The team at Gosai Law persevered beyond my expectations to get me much needed compensation in a very difficult time.
They are very hardworking and dedicated to help out and find solutions that best fit your needs.